Volunteering Projects
Develop yourself, step out of your comfort zone, and contribute by doing a volunteering project! We offer volunteering projects in 3 Product Packages: - Fair future: Make social impact, reducing (gender) inequalities - The teach project: Supporting or improving the quality of education - Earth leaders: Care for nature, responsible consumption, life below water & on land Every project is related to the Sustainable Development Goals, formed by the United Nations. Book a short and free info chat with one of our consultants, and we can figure out what project suits you best!National Programs
We offer 3 National Programs (NP) in The Netherlands. These projects are more specifically focussed on creating a different experience and are run on a national level. **Nour** is specifically focused on projects in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region. **Health** is for students that are doing a health-related study such as Fysiotherapy, Psychology etc. or have an interest in health-related subjects in a broad sense. **Medicine** is aimed at Medicine students in the third year or higher, as you will work in a hospital or health care centre to learn more about Global Medicine. *Are you interested in doing a national program project abroad with AIESEC?* Book your info chat in the following timeslots: - Nour: Mondays from 9:00-13:00 - Health: Tuesdays from 13:00-17:00 - Medicine: Thursdays from 13:00-17:00 Please keep in mind that you can schedule your Coffee Chat within these time slots but that you can also arrange **a different time/date** with your consultant if it fits your schedule better!